From: Chris
Wedgetail owner for 15 months. Can you provide photographs of the brace pole for the doorway awning that you added? Some close ups of the system for connecting at either end too please!
The horizontal brace pole is indeed an addition. We’re talking about the one over the steps as you’ll see in this video.

When we get a strong wind from right to left in the above photo, the awning pushes inwards. In these conditions we’ve been running a tent rope from the top of the existing pole, down to the ground.
The whole pole and awning assembly bends quite a bit… to the extent we’ve been worried about the pole bending or even breaking at the point where it attaches to the Wedgetail.
So I came up with a “temporary” fix that will no doubt become permanent…
It’s simply a stock-standard adjustable tent pole, 2.13 metres long. I cut off the plastic foot and added a 19mm nylon tube insert C-clip. You can buy both of these at any camping store.

You might also be able to see the marks where I dimpled the steel pole with a hammer and pin punch. This helps to retain the C-clip in the steel tube.
Hope this helps!
P.S. If you’d like to see a detailed walk-through of our Wedgetail Camper, go here.
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